20.How do you think college changed you as a person?
1.1 I personally changed a lot during college.
1.2 I certainly, became a lot more mature. That's just part of growing up and (successfully) living on your own for the first time.
1.3 Yes, College has completely changed me for the worse. With all of society's brainwashing that you need a degree to be successful or only smart people go to college or you have to get into one of the best colleges" or "college is the best time of your life.
1.4Yes. I have changed a lot.Most importantly, I've gotten a little less insecure and shy. I don't care so much about what other people think about me.... But I'm still working on it.
1.5 I think college has changes on the lifestyle you want for yourself.
1.6 Yes, college has changed me in many ways, but it isn't all.