since the early 1960′s, their famous mats are multiple layers of specially-treated film with either strips of dual-sided tape or a full-width adhesive on the bottom to anchor the mat to the cleanroom floor, typically at its entrance and usually used in conjunction with a shoe cleaning machine.
• ULPA filters: The word “ULPA” is an acronym for an Ultra Low Particulate Air filter. Like HEPA filters, ULPA filters are capable of removing particulate of .12µm (0.12 microns) or greater at an efficiency rate (measured by a laser scanner) of no less than 99.9999%.
• Uni-directional flow bench. Sometimes called a workstation, a work bench of this sort has its own air supply which is filtered. These units are typically described as a horizontal flow workstation or vertical flow workstation depending on the direction of the air over the work area. The air velocity (which ranges from 72-108 FPM (feet per minute) and make an ultra-clean work space for specialized processes.
Type 1. The Conventional Cleanroom