From the tables we analysed that at the cluster number 10 of
both the approach, k-means clustering algorithm and proposed
Quantum Clustering algorithm for Reuters21578 and TDT2,
the efficiency are 0.2307, 0.7017 and 0.2846, 0.7531
respectively and the Jaccard score are also vary from 0.2206 to
0.2257 for Reuters21578 and from 0.3782 to 0.3791 for TDT2
in Quantum clustering algorithm. Similarly the efficiency and
Jaccard score for the cluster number 9 increases for Quantum
clustering algorithm. We observed the increment of the scores
for Quantum clustering algorithm from the tables also for
cluster numbers 7 and 5. The σ values for Quantum
clustering algorithm varies to form different numbers of
clusters and the formation of different clusters with different σ
values are shown in the fig.1., fig.2., fig.3., fig.4. below. Thus
from the above analysis it is realised that Quantum clustering
algorithm in proposed methodology can yield more Jaccard
and efficiency score as compared to existence k-means
clustering algorithm.