Hello all,
As we are moving into final preparations for the training, we wanted to connect with you all around final logistics regarding the Royal River Hotel. Please see the below three sections where we have updates and questions.
1) Final Quote: We need a final quote from the hotel for the total cost of holding the training at the Royal River Hotel. From MSDHS: we need by Thursday, May 30
1) the final list of participants from the Thai Government that will be included in the training so that the hotel will have an accurate participant count for the quote, and 2) a brief description on the professional background of each participant. On the Polaris end, we count two trainers from Polaris, 1 participant from FOCUS, 1 participant from ILO - Myanmar, and 1 participant from A21 Thailand, for a total of 5 participants. Please see the attached table that details how these participants may be counted in the final quote for the hotel (i.e. not every participant will be staying in the hotel and will therefore not need to be counted for all of the meals).
1) Room set up: We would like the room to be set up with separate, group tables (square or circular tables are fine). Please ensure that all chairs face towards the front so that no participants have to sit with their back to the presenters.
2) Simultaneous Interpretation: Ms. Sakulma, we have a group of interpreters coming to help with the training and they will need to set up a booth in the training room, My Lo just sent you and email introducing you to them. They may wish to see the training room before the training begins on June, 2nd.
Please let us know if you have any questions about these three points. Please also confirm receipt of this email once you have reviewed it.
Madison Boggs | Global Research Associate
Polaris Freedom Happens Now