Descriptive statistics. Means, standard deviations, reliabilities, and
correlations for the variables are shown in Table 5.
Convergent and discriminant validity of social network measures of team
PJ. We did two sets of CFAs to provide evidence for the construct
validity of our seven-item measures of centralization and density of team
PJ. A two-factor model (i.e., centralization of team PJ formed by combing
our seven-item and one-item measures, and density of team PJ formed by
combing our seven-item and one-item measures; χ2 = 228.39, df = 103,
p < .001, RMSEA = .07, CFI = .93, NNFI = .92) indicated a good fit
with the data. Yet, a four-factor model (i.e., seven-item centralization of