2.2. Preparation of coconut milk
Coconuts of 12–14 months’ maturity from ‘ordinary tall’ coconut
cultivars were used for the oil extraction. Coconut milk was
prepared by hand pressing scraped coconut endosperm. The viscous
slurry resulting from the hand pressing of coconut endosperm
was squeezed through a cheesecloth to obtain coconut milk. Different
components of coconut endosperm, namely white coconut kernel
(WK), white coconut kernel and coconut testa (WK + CT), white
coconut kernel and coconut water (liquid endosperm) (WK + CW),
and white coconut kernel, coconut testa and coconut water
(WK + CT + CW) were used for the preparation of coconut milk.
The endosperm components used in this study were from the coconuts
that were used for the oil extraction, and additional amounts
of any component were not added in excess from other coconuts