3.4. Bottleneck in population
Heterozygosity tests were performed to test Mutation–Drift equilibrium
and Heq based on Two-Phase Mutation (TPM) and StepwiseMutation
(SMM) based on 30%, 20%, and 10% were calculated. Statistical
significance of deviation from MDE was tested using Wilcoxon signed
rank tests. Significant deviations along with strong heterozygote deficiency
under SMM were found in population of HYD, AMD, and BDN
(Table 5) suggesting demographic expansion. However, the mean expected
heterozygosity under equilibrium was higher than the mean
heterozygosity observed in all the five populations. No sign of recent
bottleneck was detected in any population. Mode shift test performed
for the confirmation of bottleneck revealed absence of any recent
event of population bottleneck (Fig. 2).