On the side of the police, an average of 80% agrees that it is easy to use and that it will not require a manual to navigate. The same number of police evaluator’s agreed that it would enable them to accomplish task easily such as recording a report or mapping an incident. When asked about their willingness to allow us to install the system in their office,100% agreed. Fig. 4 showed an interface for the reported crimes. It was arranged according to the number of confirmation the crime has. The sequence is in ascending order so that the police can easily see crimes with greater number of confirmations.Several issues have been raised during the evaluation both from the police and students respondents. One of these is the street names generated by Google Maps. In cases where the street name is not yet registered or not labeled by Google Maps, it uses the nearest street name which does not necessarily be the name of the street identified by the user. There are also instances that the same crime might be reported twice because the feature of identifying the same crimes reported by the user was not considered during the development.