In the early carrot growth period (from sowing up till 6–10 leaves) the biggest plant
and crop photosynthesis potentials were applying fertilizer with nitrification inhibitor.
In comparison with the mentioned parameters of carrot grown without fertilizers, plant 252
photosynthesis potential increased 1.6, crop’s – even 7.5 times. Most intensively plant
and crop photosynthesis potentials increased in the period of intensive carrot leaves
growth (from I up till II measurement). Plant photosynthesis potential in comparison
with I measurement on the average increased 4.2, crop’s – 1.6 times. Most intensively
plant photosynthesis potentials increased fertilizing carrots with Cropcare 10 10 20,
crop’s – fertilizing with monomial fertilizers. During the intensive root-crop growth, the
increased of plant and crop photosynthesis potential in comparison with II measurement
was insignificant (Fig. 3).