Temperature can affect the loss of reactants, formation anddegradation of the Amadori rearrangement products (ARP).Higher loss of amino acids and sugars, more ARP formation and fasterdegradation occur at higher temperatures (Brands & van Boekel,2001). Degradation of Amadori rearrangement products is pHdependent. At low pH (<7), furfural and HMF are produced through1,2-enolisation processes and subsequent dehydration from pentoses,and hexoses, respectively. While, at high pH (>7), a varietyof fission products are formed from Amadori rearrangement productsthrough 2,3-enolisation (Martins et al., 2000). Although, lowpH negatively affects the reactivity of sugar and amino groups,HMF formation through Maillard reaction takes places only at pHlower than 7.
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