These two cards popped up immediately for you today, and their guidance is very clear.
The message is that you need an ex-ectomy to release any obsessive anger or desires toward your ex.
It could be more than one ex, since we usually have a pattern amongst romantic partners on our path of healing. It could also be an ex-friend, as well.
Remember that forgiving means detoxing from anger. It doesn't mean agreeing with someone's actions.
Forgiveness is one of the most empowering things that you can do for yourself. It is a key to health and happiness, as well as abundance.
The angels want you to release your ex emotionally, energetically, and intellectually -- so that you can move on with your life in a whole new way, including attracting healthier relationships, healing physically and emotionally, and improving your career and abundance.
The more difficult it is to forgive someone, the bigger the benefits when you do so.
Pray pray pray for help in letting the other person go. You'll know that you've done so when you can think of your ex without your blood pressure going up.
If you shares child custody with your ex, or otherwise see your ex frequently, keep praying to detox from harsh thoughts and feelings. Jesus said we must forgive a person 70 X 7 -- in other words, a lot of times before it sticks.
The guidance is to either think kindly of your ex, or don't think about them at all. It's time to move on and be free.
From the Healing With the Angels Oracle Cards at and the Romance Angels Oracle Cards at
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