Corleone. Don't worry, be said. "I'll pay the Tattaglias from my own money Don Corleone didn't reply. He stood up slowly, took a bottle from the table and politely offered Sollozzo some more wine, Sollozzo watched with a worried look as the Don sat down next to him. Finally, Don Corleone spoke. said that I would see you because I heard you were a serious man. You are a man 1 should respect. But I must refuse your offer. I will give you my reasons. It's true I have a lot of important friends in Government and the Law. But they wouldn't be my friends if they knew my business was drugs. Drugs is a dirty business. 'But nobody will know," Sollozzo said. promise you the Tattaglias will make sure that nobody finds out. Don Corleone opened his mouth to reply but, before he could speak, Sonny said: "Are you saying that the Tattaglias can promise that they'll He didn't finish his question. He saw a cold look in his fathers eye and stopped talking at once. Don Corleone turned back to Sollozzo, 'I apologize for my children," he said. "They talk when they should listen But Signor Sollozzo, my no is final. I congratulate you on your n business, and I wish you luck. Your business is different from mine mustn't be enemies. Thank you Don Corleone got to his feet, and everybody stood up too. Soll wa angry, but he hid his feelings from the others. He politely shook Don Corleone's hand and walked out of the room. Don Corleone waited for Tessio, Clemenza and Tom to leave the room, but called Sonny back. He stared up into his son's eyes for a inoment. then said in an angry whisper: hat's wrong with you? Has your brain gone soft?" Sonny looked away, unable to look his father in the eye