Jube, a bio-inspired chamber for capturing edible insects,
the food source of the future. The trapping mechanism is the
result of the Genlisea violacea’s lobster-pot trap biomimicry.
In order to mimic the lobster-pot trap, the team designed the
structure of hair pointing inward, which would prevent the
insects that step into Jube to turn backward. The overall look
of Jube is like a pitcher plant, which is the intention of the
designers to mimic the fascinating shape of nature in order to
make Jube more like a plant and less like a machine which
can be alienated for general people. To use Jube, the user
need to put some insect food into the bottom part of Jube to
lure the insects. The wickerwork structure of Jube would
spread the food odor to surrounding environment. Once the
insects follow the odor and step into Jube, they would not be
able to turn back due to the structure of hair pointing inward.