2.3. Fungal viability
For each experiment, conidia viability was determined by enu- merating the percentage of germinated conidia, 24 h after spreading on SDA medium. A 0.01 mL of conidial suspension (107 conidia mL 1) was spread on 9 cm Petri dish containing 15 mL of SDA medium and incubated at 27 °C for 24 h for ger- mination (formation of distinct germ tube). Percentage germina- tion was determined by first placing three 15 mm square cover slips directly on to the surface of the medium and counting the number of germinated conidia and total number of conidia per field of view at 200· magnification. Three to four fields of view were observed per cover-slip (Quesada-Moraga et al., 2006).