In this work the design of experiments procedure using Taguchi approach is implemented to study the effect of multiple heat exchanger parameters on the performance of the concentric heat exchanger with injector turbulators. The factors used to perform the experiments and the levels are given in Table 2. The L16 orthogonal arrays most suitable for this experimental study given these factors, and levels was selected as experimental plan (Table 3). This test is carried out according to this experiment plan and the results of experiments are transformed into an S/N ratio (Table 3). These ratios are then interpreted. The S/N ratios help the researchers to find which ones of parameters used in the experiments are more effective on the performance characteristics (Nu and DP). S and N in the S/N (signal to noise) are the signal and the noise factor, respectively. The signal factors are also called as controllable parameters. These parameters (angle, diameter, number of holes, etc.) and the levels are chosen by the researchers. The noise factors can be described as external factors affecting outcome during the experiments but unable to attend the experimental design. It is called as uncontrollable factors (ambient temperature, humidity, dust, etc.)