Determinants of the flood risk
This study determines factors of flood risk by adapting from
components of disaster risk (following Shook [8]): disaster
determinants are hazard, vulnerability and manageability. Flood
risk is the possibility of losses, in life assets and other
consequences that impact on human society. Saltbones [9] further
refers to the components which influence the amount of risk,
including: exposure, hazard, vulnerability and manageability [8-
10]. The determinants of flood risk are determined not only by
vulnerability but also by characteristics and coping capacity to
flood exposure. Therefore, the risk of flood is based on three
crucial elements which are related as shown in figure 1.
Determinants of the flood riskThis study determines factors of flood risk by adapting fromcomponents of disaster risk (following Shook [8]): disasterdeterminants are hazard, vulnerability and manageability. Floodrisk is the possibility of losses, in life assets and otherconsequences that impact on human society. Saltbones [9] furtherrefers to the components which influence the amount of risk,including: exposure, hazard, vulnerability and manageability [8-10]. The determinants of flood risk are determined not only byvulnerability but also by characteristics and coping capacity toflood exposure. Therefore, the risk of flood is based on threecrucial elements which are related as shown in figure 1.
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