A mega-city5 is one of the most rapidly growing and increasingly populated cities, in addition to having the greatest amount of urban infrastructure in the world. Bangkok Metropolis is considered one of the world’s 21 mega-cities (Guest 2000). It has a rapidly increasing population. The surrounding areas will also increase by millions, meaning an additional 1.5 million people will live in the Greater Bangkok Area and a million people will be located in the surrounding provinces. As of 2001, populations and built up areas are showing urban sprawl (see Figure 1 and Figure 2). What we are witnessing today requires new concepts and strategies for the management of this urban environment especially for the largest human agglomerations. All the specific problems of this century’s development appear most obvious in mega-cities: population migration, changes in regional patterns, and fast growing cities. Moreover, the character and spatial distribution of the mega-cities has led to