The questionnaire that was be used in this study is modified from the Baseline, Descriptive and Time-Activity
Questionnaire used in NHEXAS-Arizona study [5.6]. The questionnaire was in in Malay version since Bahasa
Malaysia is our national languages and understood by most of our citizens. A total of 106 residents from Kampung
Sungai Sekamat, Kajang were selccted using sample size formula by Kirkwood and Sterne equation. Pre-testing was
conducted on 16 households in housing area, approximately 10km from study area. The Cronbach’s alpha of 0.86
was obtained. Tap water samples were taken in a 250 mL high-density polyethylene (HDPE) bottle was used to
detect pollutants in water [6]. In-situ measurements (physicochemical characteristics namely pH, temperature,
conductivity, total dissolved solid and turbidity) were taken during the tap water sampling. For the measurement of
pH and temperature, CyberScan pH 310 was used. Conductivity and total dissolved solid (TDS) were measure
simultaneously using HACH SensionTM5 conductivity meter. For turbidity reading, HACH 2100P Portable
turbidity meter kit was been used. The tap water samples were analyzed for ammonia as soon as possible. For
ammonia, salicylate spectrophotometric method was used using HACH Spectrophotometer DR 2500. An ammonia
salicylate reagent and an ammonia cyanurate reagent are combined with the sample to produce a green-dyed
solution. The colour of this dye is then analyzed using a spectrophotometer and compared to a blank solution of
deionised water [7]. Control steps taken for this study were taken throughout the analysis. Tap water samples were
analyzed in triplicates. In-situ measurements meters were calibrated before usage. Deionised water was used as a
blank throughout the study. For statistical data analysis, Statistical Package for Social Science software version 18.0
was used. Correlation test was used to analyze the relationships between ammonia and physicochemical
characteristics. In order to estimate the chronic daily intake (CDI) exposure of an individual, Exposure Factors
Handbook was used
The questionnaire that was be used in this study is modified from the Baseline, Descriptive and Time-ActivityQuestionnaire used in NHEXAS-Arizona study [5.6]. The questionnaire was in in Malay version since BahasaMalaysia is our national languages and understood by most of our citizens. A total of 106 residents from KampungSungai Sekamat, Kajang were selccted using sample size formula by Kirkwood and Sterne equation. Pre-testing wasconducted on 16 households in housing area, approximately 10km from study area. The Cronbach’s alpha of 0.86was obtained. Tap water samples were taken in a 250 mL high-density polyethylene (HDPE) bottle was used todetect pollutants in water [6]. In-situ measurements (physicochemical characteristics namely pH, temperature,conductivity, total dissolved solid and turbidity) were taken during the tap water sampling. For the measurement ofpH and temperature, CyberScan pH 310 was used. Conductivity and total dissolved solid (TDS) were measuresimultaneously using HACH SensionTM5 conductivity meter. For turbidity reading, HACH 2100P Portableturbidity meter kit was been used. The tap water samples were analyzed for ammonia as soon as possible. Forammonia, salicylate spectrophotometric method was used using HACH Spectrophotometer DR 2500. An ammoniasalicylate reagent and an ammonia cyanurate reagent are combined with the sample to produce a green-dyedsolution. The colour of this dye is then analyzed using a spectrophotometer and compared to a blank solution ofdeionised water [7]. Control steps taken for this study were taken throughout the analysis. Tap water samples wereanalyzed in triplicates. In-situ measurements meters were calibrated before usage. Deionised water was used as ablank throughout the study. For statistical data analysis, Statistical Package for Social Science software version 18.0was used. Correlation test was used to analyze the relationships between ammonia and physicochemicalcharacteristics. In order to estimate the chronic daily intake (CDI) exposure of an individual, Exposure FactorsHandbook was used
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