Summary The purpose of the present study was to investigate the long-term
effects of two different stretching techniques on the rangeofmotion(ROM)and on
drop jump(DJ).DJ scores were assessed by means of a contact mat connected to a
digital timer.ROM was measured by use of agoniometer .Thetraining was carried out
four times a week for 6 weeks on 10 subjects as passive static stretching(SS),and on
9 subjects as contract–relax PNF(CRPNF)stretching. Theremaining nine subjects
did not performanyexercises(controlgroup).One-wayAnalysisofVariance(ANOVA)
results indicatedthatthedifferencesamonggroupsonDJwerenotstatistically
different (F(2,27) ¼ .41, p4.05). ROMvaluesweresignificantlyhigherforboth
stretching groups,whilenochangewasobservedforthecontrolgroup.In
conclusion, staticandproprioceptiveneuromuscularfacilitation(PNF)stretching
techniques improvedtheROM,butneitherofthestretchingexerciseshadany
statistically significanteffectontheDJscores.
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