‘We were at the height of our career then. Those were the Grand Ol’ Opry days. And radio of course. Radio was big back then. Bigger than TV. We were good Republicans, like all our folks, like most people in Vermont. We volunteered to go out and entertain the troops. Us and a thousand like us. We thought it might be a little bit rough, didn’t know what to expect, but what we found out there scared the hell out of us. Young boys getting hauled into field hospitals with limbs hanging off. Bits of blown-up bodies that they couldn’t even identify. Trophy gook bodies cut up so that more than one guy could claim a kill. You think that only happened in Vietnam? That was invented in Korea. You’ve seen it all on MASH – but I’ve seen the real thing. That’s a bit different. And I was only about twenty-five. Younger than you are now. Hadn't even been overseas before.’