Our second closest relatives: Gorillas and their phylogenetic relationship to humans
Gorillas are without doubt charismatic animals that serve as a ‘flagship’ species. The mountain gorilla not only attracts public support, but also helps develop and focus attention on its vanishing habitat, benefiting the many other species which depend on it for survival.
Apart from the perilousness of their situation, the plight of the mountain gorillasis very much a contemporary story of a whole species losing their paradiseright in front of our eyes. This isn’t ancient myth or remote legend, it’s happening right now. What’s worse, with our gradual encroachment of their extremely sensitive and limited habitat; we are the ones responsible for their expulsion. Similarly we are the only ones that can help them.
Unlike Adam and Eve, mountain gorillas have nowhere else to go. Once their Eden is gone, they’re gone; unless you consider captivity an acceptable alternative. We don’t.
Given the opportunities which we have all been so blessed, we feel it is incumbent upon us to do what we can to help the creatures that cannot speak for themselves.
You have already helped Ihoho, and all the critically endangered mountain gorillas by purchasing a ticket to Paradise Lost. If you’d like to do more tip generously at the performance, donate to the gorillas at the front of the house, sponsor a performance, and tell your friends.