Young American Ryan Tyler travel to China with his father, a scientist working with a wildlife preserve dedicated to the rescue and protection of giant pandas, which are quickly becoming an endangered species in their native land. However, the preserve is faced with a severe budget cut that would close them down unless they can produce a living panda cub. Ryan, his father Michael, and a local girl acting as translator set out in search of a baby panda. Meanwhile at the forest, the mother Panda steps into a bear trap as her newborn cub that is rare and priceless looks on helplessly. They save the baby panda, but not before they are carried down river. Now, in a strange land with strange surroundings, they must find their way back, taking the playful panda with them. Back at the reserve, Michael and the staff recognize the weakness of the signal and lack of movement in the collar, which leads them to believing the panda is in danger. Now, in a strange land with strange surroundings, they must find their way back, taking the playful panda with them. Ryan becomes separated from the rest of the group, and he alone must guide the young panda to the safety of the preserve, with the hunters hot on his trail and without the help of his father or their translator.