Two ergonomists interviewed 26 volunteer workers (32% of the
population working in the four sectors) individually or in groups
depending on worker preference and practical constraints in the
appraisal stage. Interviews lasted 10e40 min and were based on
generic questions such as: what do you think about your work?
What is good? What could be better? What suggestions for
improvement do you have? Interviews were tape recorded for
further analysis with worker permission. EDIs mentioned by all
groups in addition to ergonomist questions of interest resulted in
four different questionnaires to accommodate particularities of the
four sectors. Questionnaires encompassed a total of 47 questions
grouped in six constructs: physical environment (four questions),
work content (13 questions); pain/discomfort (eight questions);
workstation (eight questions), work design (eight questions); and
company (six questions). Workers received the questionnaires in
the morning and handed them out on the afternoon of the same
day. 95% of the population of the four sectors (77 workers)
answered the questionnaires. Questions (EDIs) from the six