Engineering Controls:
Use local exhaust as needed.
Maintain breathing zone airborne concentrations below exposure limits.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
Eye Protection:
Avoid contact with eyes, wear splash-proof chemical goggles, face shield, safety glasses (spectacles) with brow guards and side shields,
etc. as may be appropriate for the exposure.
Skin Protection:
Prevent contact with the skin as much as possible. Butyl rubber gloves should be used for frequent immersion.
Use of solvent-resistant gloves or solvent-resistant barrier cream should provide adequate protection when normal adhesive application
practices and procedures are used for making structural bonds.
Respiratory Protection:
Prevent inhalation of the solvents. Use in a well-ventilated room. Open doors and/or windows to ensure airflow and air changes. Use local
exhaust ventilation to remove airborne contaminants from employee breathing zone and to keep contaminants below levels listed above.
With normal use, the Exposure Limit Value will not usually be reached. When limits approached, use respiratory protection equipment.