Another limitation of this study is that bipolar II disorder
is not a listed ICD diagnosis in the National Patient
Register. Hence, we could not specifically study bipolar II
disorder with respect to risk of treatment-emergent mania
or the potential protective effects of mood stabilizers.
Given the fact that bipolar II disorder is at least as common
as bipolar I disorder, additional research in this area
is warranted. Also, our study does not provide information
about the effectiveness of antidepressants in bipolar
depression, nor about patients’ adherence to drug treatment;
we have no information onwhether a patient actually
used the dispensed medication. Furthermore, we could not
assess the effects of specific classes of antidepressants, as
Another limitation of this study is that bipolar II disorderis not a listed ICD diagnosis in the National PatientRegister. Hence, we could not specifically study bipolar IIdisorder with respect to risk of treatment-emergent maniaor the potential protective effects of mood stabilizers.Given the fact that bipolar II disorder is at least as commonas bipolar I disorder, additional research in this areais warranted. Also, our study does not provide informationabout the effectiveness of antidepressants in bipolardepression, nor about patients’ adherence to drug treatment;we have no information onwhether a patient actuallyused the dispensed medication. Furthermore, we could notassess the effects of specific classes of antidepressants, as
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