Abstract. Galactosemia is detected by newborn screening in New South Wales and managed by
the metabolic team at the Children's Hospital at Westmead. Infants with the Duarte variant are
not treated. Management is based on the Handbook for Galactosemia ptepared in 1998. This
handbook provides information for the family on the dietary management, inheritance and
ovarian function. The major dietary sources of galactose are rnilk and rnilk products.
Breastfeeding must be ceased and replaced with a soy formula. Once solid foods are commenced
certain foods should be avoided. Other foods, which may contain some free galactose are
recommended in limited quantities only. There is no restriction on other fruits and vegetables.
An ongoing issue with dietary management is adequate nutrient intake, particularly of calcium.
Intake of milk substitutes and calcium suppIements is often inadequate.