Tourist Information The tourist market functions due to information. Today tourists carefully plan their trips either individually or with the guidance of specialists from agen- cies. Clients' need for information depends on many conditions. There is ference between the information needs of tourists planning individual tri those tourists forexample, package tours. a difference the need for information before an event begins and during the Thenee for information of tourists on the move, frequently changing their place of stay are than the needs of those going on holiday place. The information provided for tourists must be true, reliable, unambigu not misleading and, most importantly, immediate. It is especially important to clearly specify the price and the items included in the service. If the service might involve extra expenses, this must be made clear in advance. The range and man. ner of preparing information are so diversified that it is hard to classify them. In order to satisfy the need for information, a very wide range of means and techniques are applied, beginning with oral information, through flyers, brochures and maps and ending with the most modern tools, such as the Internet. tourist resorts and in cities, tourist information offices can usually be found. Brochures and flyers are usually colourful promotional materials providing relevant tourist information. Their main aim is to advertise a particular enter prise. Flyers are available for free to those interested. The text and graphics of th flyer must be designed in such a way that the most relevant information can be given in a few words and that tourists will be encouraged by the offer. An inio mation flyer must be characteristic so that a tourist in need of information can easily find it and distinguish it from others. Brochures and flyers must be nei too big nor too heavy. be distributed by post, given away to on holiday or casual people, or they can be displayed on generally available stands in tourist