5. Energy saving solutions for the hotel
Following the energy analysis of the hotel using DesignBuilder, a number of energy saving options can be
proposed for the hotel. In general, a 10% reduction in energy costs is equivalent to increasing the average daily rate
(average amount paid per customer per night) by 2.6% or increasing occupancy rate (percent of rooms occupied at
any given time) by 4.3% [8]. It follows that a higher performance rating has a positive economic impact as well as
environmental impact. One other important aspect for improving the energy performance of the hotel is to
implement futuristic energy solutions, which are expected to eventually become the norm for efficient buildings. In
this way, the value of the property will be high throughout its lifetime.
5.1. Lighting
Besides the application of simple solutions such as occupancy sensors and timers, advanced LED lighting
systems combined with daylighting solutions can also bring important savings, while having better lighting quality
and larger natural light spectrum.
Two different technologies, which also make use of LED systems have been identified and are recommended for
use as shown in Fig. 6 [11].
5. Energy saving solutions for the hotelFollowing the energy analysis of the hotel using DesignBuilder, a number of energy saving options can beproposed for the hotel. In general, a 10% reduction in energy costs is equivalent to increasing the average daily rate(average amount paid per customer per night) by 2.6% or increasing occupancy rate (percent of rooms occupied atany given time) by 4.3% [8]. It follows that a higher performance rating has a positive economic impact as well asenvironmental impact. One other important aspect for improving the energy performance of the hotel is toimplement futuristic energy solutions, which are expected to eventually become the norm for efficient buildings. Inthis way, the value of the property will be high throughout its lifetime.5.1. LightingBesides the application of simple solutions such as occupancy sensors and timers, advanced LED lightingsystems combined with daylighting solutions can also bring important savings, while having better lighting qualityand larger natural light spectrum.Two different technologies, which also make use of LED systems have been identified and are recommended foruse as shown in Fig. 6 [11].
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