she's probably not that good with computers,though.We need someone who's good at computers.Plus I bet she sucks at Resurrection,which was out favorite video game."By the way".Ben added,"nice call saying that Radar's folks are overprotecfive".
"Well,it's not my place to tell her,"I said
"I wonder how long till she gets to see the Team Radar Residence and Museum".Ben smiled.
The period was almost over,so Ben and I got up and put our trays onto the conveyer belt.The very same one that Chuck Pat-son had thrown me onto freshman year,sending me into the terrifying netherworld of Winter Park's dishwashing corps.We walked over to Radar's locker and were standing there when he raced up just after the first bell.
"I decided during government that I would actually,literally suck donkey balls if it meant I could skip that class for the rest of the semester,"he said .