Technical cooperation and transfer of technology
At its sixty-sixth session, the MEPC discussed the
importance of the implementation of resolution
MEPC.229(65) on “Promotion of Technical
Cooperation and Transfer of Technology Relating to
the Improvement of Energy Efficiency of Ships” (IMO,
2013a, annex 4),41 as well as the need for the Ad Hoc
Expert Working Group on Facilitation of Transfer of
Technology for Ships to initiate its work at that session,
following the entry into force of the amendments to
annex VI of MARPOL on 1 January 2013. The Working
Group was instructed to:
• Assess the potential implications and impacts of
the implementation of the regulations in chapter 4
of MARPOL annex VI, in particular, on developing
States, as a means to identify their technology
transfer and financial needs, if any;
• Identify and create an inventory of energy efficiency
technologies for ships; identify barriers to the
transfer of technology, in particular to developing
States, including associated costs, and possible
sources of funding; and make recommendations,
including the development of a model agreement
enabling the transfer of financial and technological
resources and capacity-building between Parties,
for the implementation of the regulations in
chapter 4 of MARPOL annex VI.42
Appreciation was expressed to the Working Group for
the progress made, and the MEPC urged it to finish its
work as soon as practicably possible, but no later than
the sixty-ninth session of the MEPC in 2015.