here are 2 scripts that allow pushing to HDRLS by a temporary file, or via a specified user file.
The push script will export the entire scene out of Modo and push it into HDRLS, then set LiveLight to use the current 3d views camera. A few notes on this:
1) When running the script, you must have a 3D view selected
2) You must have the view of a camera selected - not perp/top/bottom, or "Current Selection" as the camera.
3) Animation frames are not supported - you will always get the first frame exported.
Install the 2 scripts and image files to the directory opened using System->Open User Script Folder on the main menu:
These can actually be run from the command window as @HdrlsExportViaTempFile.lxm but it's better to attach them to a UI button.
To bind these commands to buttons on Model view (recommended):
1) Make sure you are in the Model tab
2) Go to System->Form Editor.
3) Click on FindForm and click on the far right tab of the menu strip (Work Plane possibly)
4) Where it says "New Control" after (not under) the Work Plane entry and add a divider
5) Under this do "Add Command" twice.
6) On the first one, set the command entry to read @HdrlsExportViaTempFile.lxm & label to HDRLS Push Temp, and other parameters as desired
7) On the second one, set the command entry to read @HdrlsExportViaUserFile.lxm & label to HDRLS Push File, and other parameters as desired
8) Set the Custom Icon, using the load image and navigate to the installed icons in the scripts directory.