When you learn English as a second language you will always keep your accent.
If you ask me is that okay, I would say definitely. What's important is that you learn to pronounce the words right first. Your accent does not really matter. People will understand you if you pronounce the words clearly and correctly.
You can see from this video that I have an Asian accent. I try to speak clearly so people can understand me. Because I am from Thailand I will always have the accent but that's okay, its part of me and its part of my culture.
If I say this sentence with my Thai accent "Today is a great day to learn English so don't worry about having an accent"
You can easily understand the same sentence spoken by a native speaker.
"Today is a great day to learn English so don't worry about having an accent"
If you live in one place for a period of time you might pick up some of the local accent, but it doesn't really matter if don't pick up one. Just remember to speak clearly and to pronounce words properly. This is the key to being understood.