days to reach a susceptible target organ and cause damage. The target organ should not de confused with routes of exposure, which are the manner the poison enters the body. The susceptible target is the organ or system to which the poison does its damage once it enters the body. For example a pesticide may enter the body through inhalation, but may have an effect on the central nervous system. In this instance the route of exposure is inhalation through the lungs; the tars the central nervous system. Target organs in the body include the respiratory system, liver, kidneys, central nervous system, blood, bone marrow , skin , cardiovascular system and other body tissues. The skin is the largest single organ of the body of the body. When unbroken, it provides a between the environment and other organs , except for the lungs and eyes , and is a defense against many chemicals. Studies show that 97% of chemicals to which the body is exposed are deposited on the skin. Chemicals that affect specific target organs are shown in Table 8.6