Data Management
Managing the masses of qualitative data you collect during a study can be a
nightmare, even for the most organized researcher on the planet. Between field
notes, transcripts of interviews, records of physical artifacts, photographs,
brochures, maps and souvenirs collected in the field, you can easily become lost in
your own data. Fortunately, this can be minimized through careful planning
before you enter the field. When managing qualitative data consider how a
computer can be of use to you, think about a storage box for cassettes to be
transcribed and another for those that are complete. Develop a filing system for
raw data, keep back-up files and copies of vital information, and most of all, do
not let your research materials collect in a’to-do’ pile in your office. Like field
notes, do not wait to organize your data—you will regret it and your study will
Data ManagementManaging the masses of qualitative data you collect during a study can be anightmare, even for the most organized researcher on the planet. Between fieldnotes, transcripts of interviews, records of physical artifacts, photographs,brochures, maps and souvenirs collected in the field, you can easily become lost inyour own data. Fortunately, this can be minimized through careful planningbefore you enter the field. When managing qualitative data consider how acomputer can be of use to you, think about a storage box for cassettes to betranscribed and another for those that are complete. Develop a filing system forraw data, keep back-up files and copies of vital information, and most of all, donot let your research materials collect in a’to-do’ pile in your office. Like fieldnotes, do not wait to organize your data—you will regret it and your study willsuffer.
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