It has also been shown that benthic Microcystis can survive for several years in the sediment, located a few centimeters beneath the sediment surface, without an annual reture to the planktonic phase, but nevertheless preserving all they need to reture to growth subsequently. Even though Microcystis is able to survive in the sediment for longer periods than the annual resting stage of a few months, we may wonder whether it is still able to take part in the recruitment process after spending several years trapped in the sediment. Indeed, artificial reservoirs such as the Grangent reservoir are exposed to major floods and anthropogenic management of the water level that could promote sediment resuspension and that of cyanobacteria buried for several years in the first few centimeters of sediment. From the perspective of water management in such ecosystems, it seems to be essential to consider the potential recruitment of both newly sediment Microcystis populations and populations that have been sediment for several years.