3. The type used in printing the folder should be large and readable. The type used in Captions should be bold enough to stand out from the body type.
4.The material in the folder should be organized so that it is easy to understand and Follow. Good layout will enhance good organization through the use of spacing, different type fonts and sizes, and indentation.
5. Line drawings or photographs will greatly increase the appeal of a folder, provided alley are skillfully executed and in good taste.
6. There should be plenty of white space in the folder. It should never give the impression of being crowded.
Exhibit I-14 illustrates many of these principles.
What should the folder say? The folder should give all the information a reader needs to understand the program and to enroll in it. Here is a checklist of questions that should be answered in a folder:
what is the purpose of the program?
What specific benefits can an individual expect to derive from it?
Who is sponsoring it?
What are the activities?
What kinds of people is it designed to serve?
who are the Speakers, instructors, or leaders?
How much does it cost? ‘
When do the activities take place? Vi/here?
How does one affiliate?