There are many factors that contribute to the making of a great wine. From the regional origin of the grapes to the fermentation & ageing conditions of the finished wine, there are a lot of variables and few constants in the world of winemaking. If there is one area of consistency that a winemaker must have, it is in the quality of their yeast.
Lalvin® yeast by Lallemand® is trusted by some of the world's best-known professional winemakers to give them the performance they need time after time, and that same reliability is found in our Lalvin® yeast and bacteria strains for the home winemaker. Every Lalvin® product goes through rigorous scientific testing at each phase of production, guaranteeing the same high quality results with every batch. We offer a variety of strains that compliment a full range of winemaking styles, giving you the characteristics you are looking for with the unmatched ease-of-use that only active dry yeast can provide.
Make sure your next great wine starts with great yeast.
Choose Lalvin®.