The objectives of this study were to analyse furan formation and
the influence of various food additives in furan model systems. We
conclude that metal ions (iron sulphate, magnesium sulphate, calcium
sulphate, and zinc sulphate), antioxidants (BHT and BHA),
and sodium sulphite changed furan formation in the various model
systems. Sodium sulphite significantly decreased furan formation.
In addition, there was a slight relationship between furan concentration
and colour parameters in the various furan model systems.
These results demonstrate the possibility of reducing furan formation
in heat processed foods by selecting the carbohydrates, amino
acids (i.e. non-reducing sugars and reducing sugars, amino acids
containing hydroxyl group), and ingredients such as food additives.
More accurate levels of various food additives to reduce furan
formation should be investigated in a future study.