4 In case of insuffiicient effect of pest and disease control only by method prescribed in 3, except for period of manufacturing or storing of organic processed foods, chemical agents not listed in Attached Table 2 may be used, When used, those agents shall be removed before starting manufacturing organic processed foods.
2. Notwithstanding the criteria l, if organic plants harvested in the field under the conversion period are used, manufactured or processed as ingredients, the description '' under the conversion period” shall'' appear before or afler the name as prescribed in 1. When the description under the conversion period'' is given adjacent to the
commodity name in the same size of letters larger than 14-point (JlS Z8305) in a contrasting colour to the backgrounds, the description ''under the conversion period” before or afier the name can be omitted.
2.2 lf organic plants harvested in fields under the conversion period are used, manufactured or processed as ingredients, the description “under conversion period" shall appear before or after raw material names as prescribed in I. When the description “under the conversion period” is given adjacent to the commodity name in the same size of letters larger than 14-point (JIS Z8305) in a contrasting colour to the backgrounds, the description “under the conversion period“ before or after raw material names can be omitted.