I am will deveiop my country.By starting with education. I'll give you English language instructor for students starting the practice the students understand in English, students are able to read and write, and should use English to study everything, because English is the language that must be used to communicate together, ASEAN's age, so I start from education, the teachers teach in English, use English in all subjects and disciplines to learn when students use English every day. To make the students absorb the language quickly. Students speaking English, and also in response to the foreign language classes as well. Students can also take English to talk to foreigners, is skilled and agile and is also a by-product done, there are countries who know English can also increase communication coordination talks relations with foreigners. Allows a better economy and a stable nation makes progress, because we can talk to foreigners and have exchanged mutual ideas make good yield as well. Make your country better and to make it easier to find people than ever before.