December 22- January 19
What beings as light flirtation could get too hot. Trip out of town may be in offing. Don't remain too far, don't remain too near. Write your dreams.
January 20-February 18
Dust settles. Family reaches agreement regarding duties, investments. Your voice is compelling, music grabs attention. Moon position encourages romance. Taurus involved.
February 19-March 20
Individual who decides to test you will be for surprise. tonight you are strong, emotional, sexual. What had been an illusion turns out to be real. Virgo represented.
March 21-April 19 Relatives could in veigle you into journey. Flirtation is exciting bit it will be necessary to finally declare, "Enough is enough!" Marital status involved.
April 20-May 20
Transform dissension into harmony family, money involvend. You could have extraordinary luck in connction with art object. Libra plays dynamic role.
May 21- June 20
you tread on very sensitive areas. Be position concerning hygiene, also be aware of current fashions. You'll be asked to define terms, to be realistic.
June 21- July 22
You tread on very sensitive areas. be granted. Secret meeting takes place, involved money and you. Outcome will be surprising favourable.
July 23 - August 22
Lunar position coincides with realisation of hopes, desires for fortune. Financial problems will be soved to your delight. Almost effortlessly, you win in romance, finance.
August 23- September 22 Obtain in spiration from Leo message. Display pioneering spirit, make fresh start, stress in ventiveness. you will be especially attractive to members of opposite sex.