Dear Helena,
Greetings. I’m still waiting for some confirmations from the relevant units however, here are some of our key requirements please feedback, point by point, if any of them are feasible. They are a bit detailed and I’m sure some of them would be answered in the terms and conditions of the contract, however I’d appreciate it if you could confirm the following main points for me so they could be finalised as soon as possible. The questions in response to your email are coloured red and the additional questions are in black.
~ Subject to Management Approval ~
Rights : Terrestrial/Free TV rights including Simulcast Digital (Internet, Mobile) rights
1) PPTV requires exclusive rights for DTT/Free TV for all matches including the ones we didn’t choose to broadcast.
2) We’d like the rights to sub-license the matches we didn’t pick to other broadcasters, radio networks (e.g. in case we would like to hold live audio broadcasts with Thai commentators) or online platforms (geo-block to Thailand)
Platforms : Linear (Live & Delayed)
3) The matches are to be made available as live simulcast on PPTV’s dedicated digital platforms and our mobile APP, PPTV Beyond
4) Could the matches be made available on demand on our digital platforms (duration of availability up to Fox’s recommendations).
4.1) In case the matches could not be broadcast on TV LIVE - would it be possible for us to broadcast the match live on PPTV’s digital platforms and the re-runs on TV at a later time/date?
5) Could the live matches be made available on PPTV Thailand’s Youtube Official Channel (geo-block for Thailand ONLY)?
Transmissions : 1 Live & 2 Repeats
6) 1 Live and 2 repeats - please elaborate. For all content?
Exclusive : Exclusive
*Please refer to (1) and (2)
Territory : Thailand
Bundesliga Content :
- 2 weekly matches (Saturday & Sunday 14:30GMT matches) x 34 match weeks
- Weekly Highlight Programs (as produced by DFL) x 34 match weeks
7) Weekly highlight programs
7.1) Available as simulcast on our digital platforms?
7.2) Could the programs (dubbed in Thai) be made available for video on demand on PPTV’s digital platforms?
7.3) Could the programs be made available as VOD in English on PPTV’s digital platforms?
7.4) Could the highlights (VDO) be made available on PPTV’s social media platforms for communication and raising awareness purposes - i.e. official Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube and Instagram.
7.5) These are available for 2 reruns on TV as well as 1 live broadcast, correct?
- 22 x 26min Special Features (as produced by DFL)
8) Same questions as (7.1-7.3)
- Digital Highlight Clips (as produced by DFL) on Nonexclusive basis only
9.1) Could these clips be offered on demand on PPTV’s digital platforms in English?
9.2) Could these clips be offered on demand on PPTV’s digital platforms in Thai (dubbed)?
Language : Thai
Term : 2 seasons (2015/16 -2016/17)
License Fee including Technical* : USD$1.5m per year NETT
*Technical includes the satellite delivery of the International feed
**** Would you consider giving us a welcoming bonus discount of 15%? I personally believe this could speed up things considerably. Any other forms of discounts/incentives could also work as well. ****
Payment Terms :
• First 50% by 1 June of each respective year (2015 & 2016)
• Remaining 50% by 1 December of each respective year (2015 & 2016)
10) Would it be possible for the payment term to be divided into 3 instalments?
11) Would DFL or Fox Asia be able to supply PPTV with any still image resources of the players/matches/teams/goal shots/highlights ahead of the matches/post matches and/or materials that could be used for PR and marketing communication purposes on PPTV’s online platforms and on ground events?
12) Could images captured (screen capture) from the live matches/highlights be for PR/Communications used on:
12.1) PPTV’s dedicated digital platforms (website and application) - news recap/Promo/creative content to promote Bundesliga matches
12.2) PPTV’s social media platforms
13) In order to generate maximum awareness and hype for Bundesliga in Thailand PPTV would like DFL/Fox Asia to sponsor official merchandise from Bundesliga to be used in online and on-ground marketing activities (minimum of 100 pieces of merchandise worth no less than USD10,000) and at least we’d like to request an additional of 20 items that have been autographed by players from Bayern Munich and Dortmund.
14) We’d like to be able to upload the live matches onto Youtube in order for the materials to be used as audiovisual copyright reference for Youtube to BLOCK or MONETIZE any unofficial uploads by users in Thailand. Please advise how Fox would like to proceed regarding this.
Look forward to hearing back from you soonest.
Best regards,
Jen Phasuniramol
International Business & Partnership Development, Office of the President, PPTV Thailand
t: 662-118-0080 | e: | w:
On Apr 28, 2558 BE, at 5:39 PM, Helena Choe wrote:
Dear Jen,
Thank you for your time last week. It was nice to meet the PPTV team. We look forward to working with you in the future.
As requested, please see below our Bundesliga proposal (please share with your team as I’m writing from Japan and don’t have their email addresses on hand).
Please also see attached a copy of the presentation. As the video was too heavy, kindly download separately at
~ Subject to Management Approval ~
Rights : Terrestrial/Free TV rights including Simulcast Digital (Internet, Mobile) rights
Platforms : Linear (Live & Delayed)
Transmissions : 1 Live & 2 Repeats
Exclusive : Exclusive
Territory : Thailand
Bundesliga Content :
- 2 weekly matches (Saturday & Sunday 14:30GMT matches) x 34 match weeks
- Weekly Highlight Programs (as produced by DFL) x 34 match weeks
- 22 x 26min Special Features (as produced by DFL)
- Digital Highlight Clips (as produced by DFL) on Nonexclusive basis only
Language : Thai
Term : 2 seasons (2015/16 -2016/17)
License Fee including Technical* : USD$1.5m per year NETT
*Technical includes the satellite delivery of the International feed
Payment Terms :
• First 50% by 1 June of each respective year (2015 & 2016)
• Remaining 50% by 1 December of each respective year (2015 & 2016)
Feel free to contact us anytime for any queries. We are looking to conclude a partnership by latest end of May.
Many Thanks,