Source: collected and processed by the researcher.
Testing Hypotheses using Wilcoxon signed rank test shows, test shows, at p-value of 0.01, that there’s a significant differences between banks ’ efficiencies, as follows :
According to bank Size, bank results indicate that efficiency scores of small banks are significantly different from those of big ones. Small banks seem to more efficient than big ones.
According to bank age, results indicate that efficiency scores of old banks are significantly different from those of young ones. Old banks seem to be more efficient than young ones.
According to bank ownership, results indicate that efficiency scores of private banks are significantly different from those of public ones. Private banks to be more efficient than public ones.
Testing Hypotheses using Wilcoxon signed rank test shows, at p-value of 0.01, indicates that the null hypothesis is rejected, for the second and third hypotheses. This means that the alternative one could be accepted shoeing significant difference in Egyptian banks’ efficiencies, due to their size, age and ownership.
To check the robustness of these results, step-wise regression analysis has been conducted conducted and provides the following results:
Table 6. Determinants of bank efficiency