Dear Datasafe,
We would like to advise a new procedure to send us the invoice in a soft file with the guideline in Doc file.
Our new process with below step.
1.send the soft file of invoice to with the file specification as in the attached Doc.
2.Once complete sending the soft file with correct sending condition to, we will receive an acknowledgement email with batch reference number for each invoice email.
3.Emirates will process the payment of all email invoices within due date.
But in case of any late invoice payment , you can follow up the status of its payment from us by referring to the batch number in the acknowledgement email( from step#2) so that we can track and update you with prompt assistance.
4.Please write “scanned“ at the right top on the paper invoice and send the paper invoices to Emirates office so that we will understand these paper invoices were scanned and send to TH.AP already.
5. Please copying my email ( when sending the soft files to
After implementing a new process, we would have very few cases of overdue invoices in the future.
Major points of the email conditions for sending to
1) Only one invoice per email
2) Invoice file must have the word Invoice or INV in the naming ,for a sample of file name: INV01
3) The subject matter for the email must also have the word Invoice or INV
4) The soft file must be in pdf format(Preferred format in pdf file)
5) Non-Invoice file of supporting documents must be saved in a separate file without the word INV in the naming, for a sample of file name: ATT01
For more information, please let us know.