The populations‟ unhealthy eating habit has prompted the
government via the Ministry of Health (MOH) to implement
various policies and campaigns to promote a healthier eating
behavior among the public. For example, the National Plan of
Action for Nutrition of Malaysia, NPANM II (2006-2015)
has been developed to tackle the issues of unhealthy eating
practices in Malaysia. With regard to the campaigns launched
at national level, some of the campaigns include “Healthy
Lifestyle Campaign”, “Reduce Sugar Intake Campaign”, and
“Guidelines on the Implementation of Healthy Eating in the
Public Sector”. In addition, a revised Malaysian DietaryGuidelines (MDG) was launched in 2010 which consists of
14 messages and 55 recommendations to healthy diet. In
general, the guideline‟s objectives were to promote
Malaysians to eat healthily, exercise regularly and make
effective use of nutrition information on food labels