My experience with you so far haven't been positive at all, I try to contact you via Line, e-mail and telephone for a several month but not reply, hence you read all Line messages but ignore to response my word. The rent of the room hasn't been paid regularly while I have to notice you about the payment every month. I get the impression that you don't really concern to pay the room rent. I believe that personal contact and mutual respect are very important between the owner/renter and lessor. Unfortunately you haven't demonstrated much of either. I would appreciate it if I could meet up with you to discuss the problem of payment of the room rent punctually. You are late in the payment of rent totaling ..........Bath. This rent was due on .................. You are hereby required to PAY the said rents, in full, to me within a week after this notice letter. If you fail to pay the above mentioned rent within the time period mentioned above, the renter will be forfeited at the end of that said time period and you must vacate and surrender the Premises to me to deduct the rent including any damage/loss has been founded during you renting period from your deposit amount per stated in the contract.