Did he flow up to climb the stares?
He has difficulties.
When he was coughing, was there anything productive with his cough? Or it’s kind of dry.
It was dry.
And he has problems with speaking.
We couldn’t here his voice.
And when he was speaking, it was hard to here his voice sometimes; he has to speak louder but when to tries to speak louder he has to use energy to speak loud.
Did he have any fever or loss of appetite?
Not that I aware of.
Do you have any questions so far on what we have reviewed? Or do you want to add anything to our presentation?
We might.
When he was 17 he had lung TB.
When he was 21 he had kidney TB and at that time they removed his right kidney, and this is in Europe. And then, you know about the following cancers.
Lauren, what else?
Um, such a two of you are planed for the day, Since neurologically started pulmonary cardiac arrest, he was on hypothermia protocol which will continue for 24 hours for possible consult with neurologist when it’s finished and we’re gonna work up with etiology.
(etiology = cause)
Lauren, what else?
Um, possible pneumonia; cultures are pending; he is on antibiotics.
We will work up for PE, using a dropper since, the dorsal like to do perfusion scan.
I think that is very reasonable.
Jemmy as a nurse, what do you like to add to what Lauren has mentioned so far., anything that might sign out that had happened unusual.
Well as Lauren has mentioned he is on hypothermia protocol; so he is on Nimbex.
Pupils are one and nonreactive since he has been in ICU.
He has had a lot of Cobias Transequtions that is on counter pending, so we’re waiting for that.
Otherwise he is synchronized with the vent.
He’s pretty much covered with sedation and pain coverage.