Today AMTC eng’r will be visiting Sii for two propose are “GTS2 filament problem investigate and action , GTS3 AE eng’r experiment “ of which “filament is first priority
to solve and settle then following by GTS3 AE lead frame eng’r experiment and both activities shall be completed by today.
I’ve listed activities details and working protocol which both side shall be agreed on working method & acceptance level below.
1: GTS2 Filament problem investigation and actions:
1.1. AMTC will be providing 2’nd group of assembly product which contain 11 x assembly lots , so those 11 x lots are being performed 100% visual inspection before submit to Sii which must be “no filament for all lots”,
this is to ensure that all assembly lots provide to Sii free from filament problem.
1.2. Would recommend Sii to perform visual inspection these 11 x lots (sample size depends on Sii propose) to certify AMTC products before plate and update inspection result to AMTC eng’r.
1.3. Both AMTC eng’r & Sii eng’r will be certify lead frame quality and eye-witness together and make agreement on inspection results before plate.
1.4. Upon both side agreed, plate 1 x lot (1’st lot) and 100% inspection by focus on “filament problem only” , if filament still happen then Sii shall be provided C/A to eliminate this problem.
1.5. If, 1’st lot has no filament then continue plate 2’nd lot until complete 11th lots and after plate ,perform visual inspection by sampling (sample size depends on AMTC & Sii eng’r to be agreed) ,
, if filament still happen then Sii shall be provided C/A to eliminate this problem.
1.6 Both AMTC eng’r & Sii team setup meeting and conclude on today activity with minute of meeting is required (agree together then release minute of meeting).
1.7 Would recommend Sii to perform visual inspection 1’st group which contain 20 x lots (sample size depends on Sii propose) to certify AMTC products before plate and update inspection result to AMTC eng’r,
in which if found filament before plate then Sii shall be separated “problem lot(filament) “ and not allow to plate then immediately inform AMTC eng’r for disposition.
1.8 Continue plate 1st group until complete 20 x lots (20 x lots which now kept at Sii) and after plate ,perform visual inspection by sampling (sample size depends on AMTC & Sii eng’r to be agreed) ,
, if filament still happen then Sii shall be provided C/A to eliminate this problem.
1.9 Summarize all activities.
1.10 AMTC will be sampling inspection (20% lot) and focus “filament problem” which will be shared inspection result to Sii for further improvement (if need).
2 : GTS3 AE Lead frame eng’r experiment :
2.1 Use SN AE-GTS3 to be specimens and experiment per below legs which those SN Lead frame are already inspection completed at Sii site and no filament at all lead frame.
2.2 Define additional 2 x leg (vary EDS current to 20Amp,25Amp) and conduct 4 x legs eng’r experiment (control lot , leg no.5 , additional 2 x legs).
2.3 For details and inspection method , acceptance method will be provided by AMTC eng’r.
2.4 Summary experiment conclusion.
Please review my proposal and get back to me if you have any further question.