1. Think about a difficult time for you that you wish you had the chance
to change. Examples might be a fight with a family member, a tough
grade in school, or a time that you didn’t ask for help but could have.
2. Draw a timeline of events that led up to the problem and what
happened after you tried to resolve the problem. Include all details
that you can remember.
3. Looking back on this event and all that led up to it and resulted from
it, what knowledge have you gained from this experience? Draw a
picture or make a sketch that represents that knowledge. For example, a clock face would represent knowledge of time management. How can you apply this knowledge to future situations?
4. What knowledge are you getting from these classes? Again, draw a
picture that represents this knowledge. How will you apply this
Ask for volunteers to share their timelines and drawings. They can share
part or all of their stories.