-Review the following definition or define the following words: old age, adulthood, young adult, Presbyopia, gerontology
Presbyopia is the ability of the eye to accommodate for close, detailed work
Gerontology is the study of all aspects of the aging process, including biologic, psychological and sociologic factors
The wear and tear theory says that humans like automobiles, have vital parts that run down with time, leading to aging and death
-How old is an old age (elderly, young adult, adult….)
-Read about Erik Erickson psychosocial development, the central task of the young adult, elderly..
-Review the theories of aging such as: stress theory, endocrine theory, genetic theory, wear and tear theory, and genetic D-theory.
-Review the care for the elderly
-Routine examination including Pap Smear test for women at high risk for cervical cancer every 3 years for women between 50-75 years of age
-Remember the leading cause of death in young adults is cancer; and the leading cause of infection among young adult is Sexually transmitted disease. Remember also that the significant change that happens when a person middle-age adulthood is cardiovascular system
-Review the benefits of exercise
-Fall is the
-Remember, the role of the nurse in dealing with old people is: To encourage ego integrity with a minimal amount of despair.
-Having old people participate in different activities can help them to think about death
-Old people should be independent. Old people are very sensitive individuals.
-Education provide a way to changing behavior
-Health Belief Model is a good model to teach about hypertension, DM, and other diseases
-some children who are dependent and have behavioral problems can be helped using the learning theory: behaviorism
-Read about: 1. Cognitive domain, 2. Affective domain, 3. Psychomotor domain
-By giving health education on how to bath newborn babies, baby doll and bath product can be very important media of teaching.
-Review about counseling: definition, benefits. With counseling, we do not choose anything for the client, only we guide the client. We do not resolve or solve clients’ problems, only we gude them.
-You have to know different types of counseling such as:
1) Individual counseling
2) Group counseling
3) Residential therapy counseling
4) Crisis intervention counseling
5) Family therapy
6) Self-help and support group counseling
-You should know that the main purpose of counseling is to assist the client in solving his/her problems affecting her life.
-You should also know that counseling is sometimes frustrating because of low motivation from the client
-Review about empowerment.
-Health professional enable the community by facilitating the community in acquiring the power needed
-You should know the definition of empowerment: Empowerment is Increasing political, social , and economic strength of the individuals/communities.
-You can improve self-empowerment by the use of participatory learning techniques to allow people to examine their own values, beliefs.
-There are many dimensions of empowerment, and one of them is Identifying priorities
-Empowerment triangle is made of 3 words: Care, safety and responsibility
-The core concepts of empowerment is the idea of power.
-Empowerment is one of the powerful tools in health care delivery BECAUSE it gives us the ability to make people do what we Want which consists of making PEOPLE healthy and productive
-Review the definition of alternative medicine
-The main focus of complementary medicine is holistic care
-Aroma therapy is classified among mind and control
- Know the action of lavender. Lavender is an antiseptic, relaxant, that enhances the memory
-The contraindication of Noni Juice ( Nam Rook- Yau in Thai name) intake is heart and kidney disease
-The benefits of massage are:
1. Stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation
2. Stimulate bowel movement and muscle relaxation
3. Stimulate endocrine and exocrine glands
4. Increases memory activity and remembrance
-The group of people that should be concerned (may have problems with foot reflexology ) of foot reflexology is thrombophlebitis patients
-Read the following information about theory of aging
1. Rate of living theory-Proposes that the faster an organism lives, the quicker it dies
2. Collagen theory-Proposes that the irreversible aging of proteins such as collagen is responsible for the ultimate failure of tissues and organs.
3. Autoimmune theory-Proposes that a decrease in immune function may result in an increase in autoimmune responses causing the body to produce antibodies that attack itself.
4. Wear and Tear theory-Proposes that humans, like automobiles have vital parts that run down with time, leading to aging and death.
-Review the following health promotion highlights for middle- aged adults.
• Instruct the middle aged adult about the following:
• Health maintenance visits
– Annual physical exam
– If the individual is in a high risk group:
• Yearly visual examinations
• Yearly dental assessment
• Yearly mammogram
• Yearly Pap smear if in high risk or every 3 years if not
• Yearly prostate and testicular examination
– Immunizations as recommended, such as influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations
– Screening for tuberculosis
– Periodic vision and hearing screenings
– Regular dental assessments
• Middle-aged adult safety
– Motor vehicle safety reinforcement, especially when driving at night.
– Workplace safety measures
– Home safety measures: keeping hallways and stairways lighted and uncluttered, using smoke detectors, using nonskid mats and guard rails in the bathrooms.
• Nutrition and Exercise
– Importance of adequate protein, calcium, and vitamin D in diet.
– Nutritional and exercise factors that may lead to cardiovascular disease (eg, obesity, cholesterol and fat intake, lack of vigorous exercise)
– An exercise program that emphasizes skill and coordination
• Social interaction
– The possibility of a middle crisis: Encourage discussion of feelings, concerns and fears
– Providing time to expand and review previous interest
– Retirement planning (financial and possible divertional activities) with partner, if appropriate
-You have to remember that DM is a big problem in UNITED Kingdom (UK). Nearly half of the disabled population in the United Kingdom are 65 and above, AND THE MOST COMMON PROBLEM IS DM.
-During EMERGENCY, we use “Crisis intervention counseling”
-The first is step in counseling is: greet the client
-The last step that the nurse should take if he/she cannot manage the client and his/her problem is to refer to another counselor.
-Remember, there is no best counseling method.
Read and remember the following goals of social support groups
1. Provide a safe discussion group where clients practice re-socialization skills.
• 2. Provide opportunities for clients who are advanced in treatment and recovery to serve as role models for clients who have been in recovery for less time.
• 3. Encourage clients to broaden their sup-port system of abstinent, recovering contacts with whom they can attend mutual-help meetings.
• 4. Provide a less structured and more independent group environment that helps clients progress from treatment in the more structured environments of Early Recovery Skills and Relapse Prevention groups to recovery maintained with group support but without clinical support.
-Remember, the family is the primary support group because in a family perspective, feelings, grief, pain, and happiness are shared. Family members take responsibilities in whatever happens to or member or more than two. Such gene transmission, brings people together, and makes them carry the burden of one another. Gene/blood transmission plays a vital role bringing each family member to come up with a solution to any problem, knowing that whatever affects one family member, affects the whole family.
-review the following process of social support group
All members are called upon to come alongside of each other in this way. A support group is a group of people who intentionally gather on a regular basis to ensure this happens in their lives in ways and doses that might not naturally occur.
Usually the participants are going through similar difficulties. They may all be grieving due to a loss they have suffered. They may have experienced abuse or gone through divorce. They may be struggling with addictive behavior. Support groups should target in on a specific need so people can find points of identification with one another.
-Remember, in complementary medicine, the part of Ginkgo that can promote memory is “leaf”
In massage,
-press specific area can help with equilibrium of the energy
-Massage can stimulate the line No 10.
-Remember, The benefit is that complementary and alternative medicine is cheaper and holistic.
According to WHO, health promotion in 2020 will depend on Governmental influences and individual choices
Low socioeconomic status is a predictor of early disease, disability, and premature death
-As health educators, nurses can encourage middle-aged adults to assume more responsibility for their own health by:
1. Stress management and nutrition
2. Exercise and weight control
3. Substance abuse prevention and automobile accident
-The leading cause of death among young adults in high-income countries is Suicide
-A person's belief in his or her ability to accomplish a specific task or behaviour known as “Self-efficacy”.
-Road accident is the major cause of death and disability among young adults
- “Presybiopia” is Ability of the eye to accommodate for close and detailed work
-The central task of the young adult according to Erick Ericson's psychosocial devel